北京迷旅科技发展有限公司成立于2007年,她致力于打造成为中国一流的在线电子旅行公 司,通过建立可靠、高效、安全的旅游分销平台,迷旅将为旅行行业同行及旅行者,提供覆盖 国内、国际和入境等综合的个人旅行预订服务体系,内容将包括全球旅行(国内、国际和海外 各地等)、住宿(旅游酒店、度假酒店、豪华宾馆、廉价旅舍、连锁酒店、别墅式酒店等)、 铁路票(欧洲通票、欧洲点对点票、欧洲高速列车票、中国火车票等)、目的地自选观光活 动、全球签证辅助服务、目的地综合资讯、动态打包组合服务等。
迷旅公司将利用最新的信息技术,对各类旅行资源进行深度挖掘和智能整合,为客户提供 准确的信息、特惠的价格和实时的预订流程,成为中国最具特色的旅行专业服务公司之一。
我们的服务特色:环球旅行,自选服务! |
Lostrip.com, founded in 2007, is expected to become the leading e-distributor focusing on the Chinese outbound market as well as the China inbound market. The company will provide travel products and services, including domestic and international air tickets booking, hotels, apartments and hostels worldwide reservations, European train passes and issuing of point-to-point tickets including China railways, transfer service on major destinations worldwide, reservations, European train passes and issuing of point-to-point tickets including China railways,transfer service on major destinations worldwide, destination sightseeing and packages,assistance with visas and travel information, dynamic packaging and miscellaneous services. Lostrip is going to develop a web-based system which use data and web mining with analytics technology,integrates multiple suppliers and wholesalers worldwide with Meta search and Ajax technology to serve consumers and agents with enriched experiences. Its unique position and deep technological capabilities will provide an exceptional channel for travel suppliers and wholesalers to target the products and services in China economically and efficiently. |